Many professionals are taking advantage of all the internet has to offer to make their job easier or better, so why not psychologists? Here are some of the available online tools for psychologists and their patients.
Online Psychology Journals
Online psychology journals are a good resource for patients to learn more about their mental condition. It may help them feel more solidarity with others who have the same condition. At the same time, it helps you increase the level of nuance in your understanding of various psychology concepts. It's one thing to know the definition of a concept and be able to apply it to a textbook case; it's another to understand the various ways that mental illnesses can co-mingle, or how a mental illness can present differently in different people. Journals are a way to continue gaining exposure.
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests can be used as a first step for patients to get help for a psychological problem. You might link to various, short diagnostic tests that your patients or potential patients can use. Give the disclaimer that these are only meant to be an indicator of whether psychologist services could benefit them. They should still come to you for the treatment, rather than assuming that an online diagnostic is correct.
Diagnostic tests can be helpful because some patients might not come into the clinic otherwise. If they read information online that lets them know they might have a treatment need, that can prompt them to come see you. Definitely choose diagnostic tests that are based on established personality inventories. The quality and reputability of the tests you suggest will reflect on your business.
Apps can give you and your patients a way to track various habits, moods, and other symptoms. For example, a mood tracker app would let your patient check in a few times a day and rate their mood. If you suggest an exercise or diet plan, or even a new habit, there are various fitness and habit tracking apps out there that can help your patients meet their goals and help you know when they are struggling.
Psychologists have to be a little bit careful with which tools they use to help their patients. Popular psychology is all over the internet, and it may not always be scientifically sound. So, when consulting resources, just be sure to use your education to evaluate how trustworthy the resource is. And always advise your patients to approach you if something they read or learn confuses them.